The mystery behind the alleged suicide of Malaika Arora’s father, Anil Arora is thickening by the minute. The actress’s father fell from his building Ayesha Manor in the Bandra area of Mumbai on Wednesday.
Now, reportedly, Joyce Polycarp, the mother of Malaika and Amrita Arora has shared the details about the tragic incident involving her ex-husband, Anil Arora with the cops in the Mumbai Police.
Joyce was in the house when the unfortunate incident took place. As per media reports, on the morning of the incident, she noticed Anil’s slippers in the living room, which led her to search for him on the balcony.
When she didn’t find him on the balcony, she leaned over the balcony railing and looked below. There was a commotion, and the building’s watchman was shouting for help. This was when she realised something was terribly wrong.
As per reports, Anil had called both his daughters saying, “I’m tired” before he took the alleged drastic step.