Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha has shared a sneak-peek from her holiday in New York with her husband Zaheer Khan, whom she referred to as her “heart and home.”
Sonakshi posted a handful of romantic pictures featuring her and Zaheer. The first image has her husband holding her. The second image has the two enjoying some wine at a tasting. In the third photograph, Zaheer can be seen giving a soft kiss to his wife.
“Home is where the heart is… and wherever in the world… my heart is with my home - @iamzahero,” she wrote as the caption.
This is not the first time Sonakshi has expressed love to Zaheer. Earlier this week, the actress took to her Instagram stories, where she shared a picture of a dessert which had “I love you more than ice cream” written on it.
The description read: “Everyone needs a cutie like you to laugh with, cuddle upto, and make really bad decisions with. We’re like a tiny (but mighty) little gang. If you haven’t noticed already, I think you’re pretty cool. Honey, honestly, you complete me xo.”